•Inspect and palpate configuration and symmetry of chest
•Percuss supraclavicular fossae bilaterally and symmetrically
•Percuss anterior and lateral lung fields
•Auscultate supraclavicular fossae bilatcrally and symmetrically
•Auscultate anterior and lateral lung fields.
7、心臟[HEART]醫(yī)學(xué) 全在.線提供www.med126.com
•Screening test for elevated venous pressure.
•Observe precordium (view tangentially)
•Palpate apical area with palm and fingertips
•Palpate precordial area with palm
•Percuss relative dullness of the heart
(1)用膜型胸件聽診[Auscultate with diaphragm]
•Pulmonary area (second left ICS)
•Aortic area (second right ICS)
•Second aortic area (third and fourth left ICS)
•Mitral area (Apical area)
•Tricuspid area (fourth, fifth left ICS, LSB and RSB)
(2)用鐘型胸件聽診[Auscultate with bell]
•Pulmonary area
•Aortic area
•Second aortic area
•Mitral area (Apical area)
•Tricuspid area
•Expose abdomen completely from just below breasts to just above pubis
•Place pillow under head, bend knees, arms at side, have patient breathe normally.
•Observe abdomen.
•Auscultate for bowel sounds, place stethoscope in area of umbilicus
•Percuss abdomen
•Percuss liver span
•Watch patient`s face and response as you palpate abdomen
•Palpate superficially
•Palpate deeply
•Palpate liver at midclavicular with monomanual method.
•Palpate liver at midclavicular line with bimanual method
•Palpate liver at midsternal line
•Palpate spleen with bimanual method
•Palpate spleen with patient rolled toward his right side.
•Palpate kidneys with bimanual method
•Test for pain of light touch on abdominal wall
•Expose and inspect lower limbs
•Palpate transverse group of superficial groin lymph nodes
•Palpate longitudinal group of superficial groin lymph nodes
•Femoral artery (groin)
•Dorsalis pedis artery (top of foot)
•Check for pitting edema
•Test for sense of pain or light touch in at least 2 or 3 positions