主癥 肋痛多見于一側(cè),或兩側(cè)皆痛,而以脹痛為主,每因情志變動而增減,痛無定處,胸悶不舒,善太息,飲食不振,口苦,苔薄白,脈弦。
Main Manifestations Distending Pain in one side or bilateral hypochondriac regions, which is related to the emotional changes without fixed place sturriness in the chest, sighing, poor appetite, bitter taste in the month, thin and white coating, string-taut pulse. |
主癥 肋痛如刺,痛有定處,痛處拒按,入夜痛甚,舌質(zhì)紫暗,脈沉澀。
Main Manifestations Stabbing pain in the hypochondriac regions with fixed place, pain aggravated by pressure and being severe at night, dark and purplish tongue, deep and hesitant pulse. |
主癥 脅肋隱痛,其痛隱隱不止,頭暈?zāi)垦,口干心煩,舌質(zhì)紅少苔,脈虛弱或細(xì)數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Dull and lingering pain in the hypochondriac regions, dizziness, vertigo, dry month, irritability, red tongue with little coating, weak or thready and rapid pulse. 醫(yī)學(xué)全在線www.med126.com |
治法 取足厥陰、少陽經(jīng)穴為主,配以局部及背俞穴。毫針刺,實證用瀉法,虛證用補法,或平補平瀉。
Treatment The main points are selected from Liver and Shaoyin Meridians combining with local and Back-(Shu)Points. Reducing method is applied for excess syndrome, reinforcing or even manipulation is for deficiency syndrome.
處方 支溝 陽陵泉 期門 太沖
Prescription Zhigou (TE 6), Yanglingquan(GB 34), Qimen (LR 14), Taichong (LR 3).
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隨證配穴 氣滯血瘀者加膈俞、三陰交;
Additional Points Stagnation of Qi and Blood : Geshu (BL 17), Sanyinjiao(SP 6) ; |