主癥 帶下量多,色白或淡黃,質(zhì)粘稠,無(wú)臭,如涕如唾,連綿不斷,面色萎黃或恍白,精神疲倦,納少便溏,下肢浮腫,舌淡苔白膩,脈緩弱。
Main Manifestations Excessive white or yellowish leukorrhea which is sticky, odourless and persistent, sallow complexion or pallor, lassitude, anorexia, loose, edema of lower limbs, pale tongue with white sticky coating, and slowish, weak pulse. |
主癥 帶下色黃量多,質(zhì)粘稠,其氣穢臭,陰中瘙癢,大便干結(jié),小便短赤,脈濡數(shù),舌苔黃膩;或帶下色黃兼赤,口苦咽干,煩熱,心悸失眠,急躁易怒,舌苔黃,脈弦數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Profuse yellow leukorrhea which is sticky and malodorous, itching of vulva, constipation, dark and short urination, yellow and sticky tongue in coating, and soft rapid pulse, or yellow sanguineous leukorrhea, bitter taste, dryness in throat, irritability and feverishness, palpitation, insomnia hot temper, yellow tongue coating, and wiry, rapid pulse. |
主癥 帶下量多,質(zhì)清而稀,淋漓不斷,腰酸如折,小腹發(fā)冷,小便頻數(shù)清長(zhǎng),大便溏薄,舌淡苔薄白,脈沉。
Main Manifestations large quantity of leukorrhea which is clear, thin and persistent pain of lower back so severe as being broken, coldness in lower abdomen, frequent clear and profuse urination, loose stools, pale tongue with thin and white coating and deep pulse. |
治法 取任脈、足太陰、足少陰經(jīng)穴為主。濕熱,毫針瀉法,不灸;脾虛、腎虛,用毫針刺,平補(bǔ)平瀉,多灸。
Points of Conception Vessel, Spleen and Kidney Meridians are mainly selected. Reducing technique is used for damp heat and moxibustion is contraindicated. Deficiency of spleen and kidney is treated with even technique in combination with large dosage of moxibustion.
處方 帶脈 中極 次髎 氣海 三陰交 太沖
Prescription Daimai (GB 26), Zongji(CV 3), Ciliao(BL 32), Qihai(CV 6), Sangyinjiao (SP 6) and Taichong (LR 3)醫(yī)學(xué).全在線m.payment-defi.com
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隨證配穴 濕熱加行間、陰陵穴;
Additional Points Damp heat : Xingjian(LR 2) and Yinlingquan(SP 9), |