《靈樞·經脈》:脾足太陰之脈,起于大指之端,循指內側白肉際,過核骨后,上內踝前廉,上踹內,循脛骨后,交出厥陰之前,上膝股內前廉,入腹,屬脾,絡胃,上膈,挾咽,連舌本 ,散舌下。
The Chapter "Disvussion on the Miridians" (Chapter10) in Miraculous Pivot says: the Spleen Meridian starts from tjhe tip of the big toe. It runs along the medial aspect of the big toe between the red and white skin and ascends to the front of the medial malleolus and further up to the medial aspect of the leg. It follows the posterior aspect of the tibia and passes through the front of the Liver Meridian. Going on along the anterior medial aspect of the knee and then the thigh, it enters the abdomen, reaches the apleen, its pertaining organ, and connects with the stomach. Passing through the disphragm and running alongside the esophagus, it reaches the root of the tongue, and apreads over under the tongue.